Friday, May 25, 2007

Look it up in your gut

Ron Paul walked into a National Press Club junket with three books? Jesus, this man gets more unelectable by the second! A President doesn't need to read books!

CIA Operative Michael Scheuer alarms me:
"Ayatollah Khomenai tried for a decade to instigate a jihad against the United States on the basis of our degeneracy and our debauchery, our movies, our women in the workplace. It didn't work. No one blew themselves up because of R-rated movies. Al Qaeda and its like have gone to school on the abject failure of the Ayatollah. They have focused on U.S. foreign policy and they've found it to be a glue of unity, a glue of cohesion across the Islamic world."

Oh dear. Ron, please don't repeat these talking points. Here's the deal: the people in this country who actually believe the Islamists hate us for "our degeneracy and debauchery" also hate our degeneracy and debauchery, our Hollywood values, our homosexual agenda, etc. Unfortunately, these are also the people who will decide the Republican nominee.

Actually, strike that. Ron, don't repeat these talking points until after the primaries. At that point, feel free to alienate your base as much as you like. If we can get the war nuts and the family values nuts to stay home on Election Day, we'll be in good shape.

Have you reconsidered your position on abortion, by any chance?

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